Sigma&Mu: Journal of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science <p>First published online in 2023 with a focus on <strong>Mathematics</strong>, published 2 (two) times a year in March and September</p> en-US [email protected] (Dr. Anwar Fitrianto) [email protected] (Hamidi, M.Pd) Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Analysis Of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Of Two Variable Linear Equation System Material In Terms Of Learning Style <p>This study aims to describe the problem-solving ability of two-variable <br>linear equation system material in students with visual, auditorial, and kinesthetic <br>learning styles. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of the <br>study were grade VIIIB students of SMPN 1 Gunungsari for the 2023/2024 school <br>year, totaling 20 students, with 5 students of visual learning style, 7 students of <br>auditorial learning style, and 8 students of kinesthetic learning style. The sampling <br>technique is carried out by purposive sampling technique. The research instruments <br>are questionnaires, test questions, and interviews. The data analysis technique used <br>is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Analysis is carried out based <br>on John Dewey's stages, namely facing problems, defining problems, finding <br>solutions, testing several solutions, and choosing the best hypothesis. Based on the <br>results of the study, it was obtained that, students of visual learning style, in general, <br>have high problem-solving skills because they are able to carry out all five stages. <br>Students of auditorial learning style, in general, have high problem-solving skills, <br>where auditorial students are able to carry out all five stages. Meanwhile, the <br>kinesthetic learning style has moderate problem-solving abilities, where kinesthetic <br>students are only able to carry out four stages, because at the stage of choosing the <br>best hypothesis, kinesthetic students are not able to carry it out</p> Try Nurvitasari, Eka Kurniawan, Sri Subarinah, Arjudin Copyright (c) 2024 Try Nurvitasari, Eka Kurniawan, Sri Subarinah, Arjudin Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Influence of Independence and Mathematical Communication Skills on Student Learning Outcomes in the Material of Relations and Functions <p>The independent and communication skills in mathematics learning are <br>two very important competency components that students must master and greatly <br>influence student learning outcomes. However, students at SMPN 4 Mataram have <br>relatively low independence and mathematical communication skills. As a result, <br>student learning outcomes obtained by more than 50% are classically below the <br>KKM. Therefore, this research focuses on two variables that influence learning <br>outcomes, namely independence and mathematical communication skills. This <br>research uses quantitative methods. The population was 125 class VIII students. <br>Using Simple Random Sampling, a sample of 32 students was obtained. Data on <br>class VIII students at SMPN 4 Mataram for the 2023/2024 academic year was <br>collected using questionnaires and tests. By using regression analysis the results <br>obtained were 1) There was an influence of independence on student learning <br>outcomes in relation and function material of 25,4%; 2) There is an influence of <br>mathematical communication skills on learning outcomes V of 43,8%. 3) There is an <br>influence of independence and mathematical communication skills together on <br>student learning outcomes in relation and function material of 72,4%</p> Anis Sulisyani, Nani Kurniati, Amrullah Copyright (c) 2024 Anis Sulisyani, Nani Kurniati, Amrullah Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Effect of Mathematics Anxiety on the Problem-Solving Ability <ol> <li>Math anxiety is a disturbing condition in mathematics learning. The influence of math anxiety is one of the causes of low student problem-solving ability. This study aims to obtain the influence of mathematics anxiety on the problem-solving ability of grade XI science students of SMA Negeri 1 Gerung for the 2023/2024 school year. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research with ex-post facto research methods. The data analysis used is inferential statistical analysis. The results of the t-test that obtained a value of t_hitung = 6.955 &gt; t_tabel = 1.967 with a sig value = 0.05 or 5% then there is a significant influence between mathematical anxiety on problem solving ability. The results of the regression equation Y ̂ = 4.072 – 0.831X, showed that there was a negative relationship between mathematical anxiety and problem-solving ability. The result of a correlation coefficient of 0.459 shows that between mathematical anxiety and problem-solving ability has a moderate relationship. The coefficient of determination points to 0.617 or 61.7%.</li> </ol> Irma Rahmani Copyright (c) 2024 Irma Rahmani Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Effect of The Application of The Realistic Mathematucs Education (RME) Learning Model on Chritical Thingking Ability <p>This research aimed to determine the effect of the Realistic <br>Mathematics Education (RME) learning model on students critical thinking <br>ability for systems of linear equations with two variabels material in class VIII at <br>SMP Negeri 3 Jerowaru for the academic year 2023/2024. Research with a <br>quantitative approach that uses a quasi-experimental design, the experimental <br>class learning using the RME learning model while the control class using direct <br>learning. The population in this study was 3 class VIII students. The samples <br>were taken using a simple random sampling technique, resulting in class VIII A <br>as the experimental class and VIII B as the control class. Data collection was <br>carried out using critical thinking ability test questions (posttest). From the <br>research results, it was found that there were differences between the <br>experimental class and the control class. Judging from the average score of the <br>experimental class 69.08 and the control class 58.40, this shows that the critical <br>thinking ability of the class whose learning uses RME is better than the class <br>whose learning uses direct learning. The effect size test results obtained were <br>0.69, which is in the medium category. So it can be concluded that there is an <br>effect of the RME learning model on students' critical thinking skills in SPLDV <br>material in class VIII of SMP Negeri 3 Jerowaru in the medium category. <br>Keywords: Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Learning Model, Critical <br>Thingking Ability, Systems of Linear Equations with Two Varabels</p> Titin Hadiawati, Eka Kurniawan, Laila Hayati, Sripatmi Copyright (c) 2024 Titin Hadiawati, Eka Kurniawan, Laila Hayati, Sripatmi Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Augmented Reality in the Application of 3 Dimensional Objects as Laboratory Equipment <p>In today's developing era, quite a few schools still have limitations or lack <br>of learning media. So technology is needed to support the learning process so that <br>it is easier for students to learn both online and offline. This research aims to create <br>and add Augmented Reality-based learning media at SMA Negeri 1 Plampang. The <br>learning media created is a chemistry practical learning application using the <br>Android platform which will be implemented in the chemistry textbook for class X<br>MIPA students at SMA Negeri 1 Plampang. Augmented Reality technology makes <br>it possible to combine the virtual world and the real world in real time. So it will be <br>able to provide a real learning experience. By applying Augmented Reality to the <br>Chemistry textbook, students will be able to get to know the chemistry practical <br>tools displayed through the application without needing to look directly into the <br>chemistry laboratory. <br>The research method used is the ADDIE method which consists of analysis, design, <br>development, implementation and evaluation stages. This method will produce <br>output in the form of an Android-based application that uses Augmented Reality <br>technology to display 3D objects for chemistry practical tools. Based on the results <br>of the questionnaire or questionnaire that was given to respondents, the result was <br>that the application that had been created was feasible and could be used as a <br>learning medium that would be used at SMA Negeri 1 Plampang in the Chemistry <br>subject class X-IPA CHAPTER 1</p> Gilang Primajati Copyright (c) 2024 Gilang Primajati Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0800